Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My Poor Kitty

two weekends ago was definitely not one I want to repeat. Short Story one of kitties went to the hospital. Long Story...

On Thursday night I was kind of noticing that one of my cats, Melo, wasn't sitting down all the way, and when he did squat down he was leaking little drops of water/pee. On Friday morning he was throwing up and just standing in the litter box meowing like a little dinosaur. I made an appointment to go see the vet that afternoon. I got off work a little early and we went to the local vet. Needless to say he wasn't to happy about the trip.

The vet felt around his belly and said she needed to take him to the back right away. She came back and let me know that his bladder is suppose to be the size of a golf ball and it was the size of two softballs and ready to explode any time. He had some type of blockage so he couldn't go to the bathroom. She told us we needed to take him down to the emergency animal hospital and that he was going to need 24 hour care while a catheter was put in to remove the blockage. I was so upset, thank gosh my mom was with me, Michael had just left for Miami the night before. We were referred to Summit Emergency Referral Hospital in Tacoma so we headed down there. When we got there they were expecting us and took my baby back right away. They hooked him up to an IV and took a blood sample to further analyze. They took me into a room and explained what was going on. I guess build up in male kitties is common but his was really bad, his blood was infected pretty badly and there was a possibility of permanent kidney damage. After alot of explanation from the doctor and a large bill later I had to leave my baby for 48-72 hours so they could fix him up. Unfortunately I was so upset all weekend because even after the blockage was out he has a 30% chance of re blocking. I got updates all weekend from the hospital and he ended up doing really well. I was able to pick him up Sunday night. He has been on pretty heavy medication for the last week and a half but is doing much better. I sure hope this is the last of the kitty problems because I was a wreck all week being worried about him. The one upside to this all is Melo is now the most cuddly kitty ever. He always wants to be next to me and have his belly rubbed.

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