Friday, June 27, 2014

Feeling Nostolgic

Oh High many memories, fortunately most of them are great memories for me! Auburn HIgh School is getting this incredible remodel and that means the place where I grew up for 4 years is about to be torn down. Alumni have been posting pictures on Facebook of the empty hallways and classrooms right before demolition but it was one picture that particularly stuck out to me....

Yes high school is a place you go and take classes like biology, English and Math...but it is so much more then that. High School is about growing as a person, meeting new friends, finding or continuing hobbies and activities you are interested in. For me, this is the place where most of these things happened for me in...The Pit. For most people who haven't been in this space, it just looks like a small empty gym, But to me I see so much more. I see, dance practices, cheer practices, eating vending machine food and blue powerade during yoga, getting ready in front of the big mirrors before football games, blasting the stereo and dancing in front of the mirrors, getting all lined up alphabetically for graduation, and most of all creating friendships that have remained and grown to this day.

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